Author: admin

About the Project
Quinn Nelson is a senior from Oakland, California studying history at Amherst. WAMH, Amherst College’s radio station, was the first

About the Project
We had no knowledge of or experience with hunting before creating this documentary. In fact, we are both vegetarians! Hiking

Echoes of Connie (2024)
The Connecticut River holds many secrets, but none as enduring as Connie, the mythical sea serpent said to dwell in its depths. This film follows three students as they explore the river’s soundscape, uncovering how folklore and community keep the legend alive in the currents of memory and tradition.

The Magical Hour: Hunting Sound in Western Massachusetts (2024)
During the Magical Hour, hunters quietly wait in tree stands for a chance to harvest their quarry. Sound conceals and alters reality, and hunters engage in a heightened state of deep listening. Upon returning home, they feed hungry bellies with venison and hungry ears with stories.

Deer Calls
Jeff often uses calls when he hunts. Calls simulate animal sounds and serve various functions. They can disguise the hunter