Student Contributors

María Darrowis a freshman at Amherst College from Portland, Maine. She is a member of the women’s ultimate Frisbee team and enjoys singing and learning guitar. Contact María at mdarrow15[at]amherst[dot]edu.
Milton Rico is a freshman at Amherst College. He is originally from Colombia but lives in Philadelphia. He plays the drums in the band Herostreet and is a part of the soccer program at Amherst College.
Special Thanks
We would like to extend our many thanks to all those who made our project possible: Mark “Harpo” Power; Seán Burke and Timothy P. Donoghue; Christy Hayes, Gary Bernhard, Jack Donoghue; Ted Cahill; Jim and Felicity Callahan; David Brule and David Meuser; and all the musicians of The Harp, who welcomed us into their circle. We would also like to thank Sarah Barr and the Center for Community Engagement for providing us with transportation and funding; Jason Robinson for mentoring us throughout the process; and Peter Marvin for his time, patience and technical support.