About the Project

Student Contributors

Justin Aoyama is a student of Amherst College class of 2017. Currently undecided in his major. Justin is a member of the Amherst varsity soccer team. He first got in contact with LuieGO and the eGOmaniAKs through a mutual friend Nicholas Kane. Throughout the 2014 spring semester, Justin interviewed and tracked the story of local rapper Luis Fernandez and how rap is quickly diversifying the Pioneer Valley Soundscape.


Special Thanks to

Luis Fernandez for befriending me and being so open to having me document his personal life and music. I wish you the best of luck with your musical endeavors.

Eric Yelle, Myles Darby, Noah Cohen-corbet for befriending me and for their honestly and helpfulness in making this documentary. 

Chris Maingi for befriending me and helping me coordinate meetings and shows.

Peter Marvin, Josh Baum, David Moran for their patience and flexibility with loaning out equipment and tech support.