Hampshire College Salsa Rueda and Tango Club

From the club website:

“In recent years, Salsa Rueda and Argentine Tango have experienced a world-wide revival. The goal of our club is to provide people with the opportunity to learn valuable partner dancing skills and connect with each other through dance and music. The club is open to anyone and everyone, experienced or not. In addition to being extremely fun, social dancing also helps build a number of interpersonal skills, including etiquette, flirtation, and self expression. Through participation in our club, we hope that people will be able to feel more comfortable with their bodies and learn to negotiate dancing with different people, including those whom they have never met before. While dancing, people will learn to communicate through physical rather than verbal contact. We hope that the ability to interpret and react to someone else’s movements will also be useful beyond the dance floor, enhancing interactions people have in everyday life.”