Interviews with the Audience

Interview with Kathryn Service

Kathryn Service is a member of the Northampton jazz community who has listened to the Green Street Trio since they started playing at their namesake venue. In her interview, she paints a beautiful picture of the listener’s role at the Jazz Workshop. With such a large community of musicians who come out to participate in the jam session, one may assume that the listener simply comes to enjoy the show. Yet, Mrs. Service illuminates her role as vital in helping to create the “art” which is jazz. The workshop and jam session would not be the same without the community members who come on a weekly basis to add their enthusiasm and love for jazz to the soundscape.


Interview with Don Anderson

Don Anderson is a trumpet player who almost religiously participates in the weekly jam session. Originally from Boston, Mr. Anderson has played jazz for quite a long time and has encountered a number of jazz scenes. In his interview, he notes that upon first moving to Northampton he was a shocked at the lack of musical activity. However, when a friend introduced him to the jazz workshop he was “blown away” by this “fantastic” scene. Mr. Anderson’s interview highlights the meaning of the jam session to the many local musicians who have made this workshop an integral part of their lives.